SINAMED LLC. is the exclusive distributor in Russia of the international manufacturing group NephroCan - one of the leaders in the production of the full line of products for hemodialysis treatment. Hemodialysis and reverse osmosis machines, hemodialysis chairs, dialyzers, sodium bicarbonate powder, dialysis needles and bloodlines - a full range of essential products to meet the stringent quality requirements and treatment needs of any patient, regardless of facility, location or circumstances.
As of today, the following products are already undergoing mandatory certification by Roszdravnadzor and will be available for sale in Russia from 2024.
Features of model DMT 630 II dm:
Features of model DMT 630 I dm (DMT S):
The device has a ceiling tube with excellent maneuverability in all directions.
Use of the detector in both horizontal and vertical positions.
Changing the detector mode from vertical to horizontal is controlled by a key.
Detector stand with the ability to rotate 90 degrees by pressing a key on the speaker or by remote control, with motorized forward and backward movement in horizontal mode.
Touch screen monitor on the handset with the ability to display images and software and device information.
Movable table.
Features of model DMT 630 FII dm:
Wide bed with excellent maneuverability in all directions (motorized movement up and down).
Standard format of images and Dicom information and network communication (Dicom print, multipacks).
Automatic exposure control to taking high quality images.
Simple and beautiful software with intuitive and easy-to-use menus according to the needs of the centers.
Mechanical design with usability for use in digital and analog systems.
The possibility of using one cassette-size wireless flat panel instead of 2 fixed flat panels.
Features of model DMT 630 F dm:
In this product, by using a stand detector with unique performance and design, it is possible to have a digital radiography device with a very high efficiency just by adding this stand detector to the existing collection.
Using this detector in both table and standing positions.
Changing the height of the stand detector column in a motorized way to be in table and stand position.
Simple and beautiful software with clear and easy-to-use menus.
Standard formats of images and Dicom information and network communication (Dicom Print; multipacks).
Using a flat panel significantly reducing the price of the device.
Integrated console
Imaging software is fully integrated and controls the generator, sending pre-defined exposure parameters for each study.
Wireless connectivity
Image acquisition and communication with the hospital network (RIS/PACS) are completely wireless.
Comfortable drive handle
A light push on the drive handle propels the system even on slopes.
The system can be operated with one hand.
Fully motorized
The fully motorized DMT425dm is very easy to maneuver.
Two independent motors and large wheels make the DMT425dm very suitable for indoor use.
Bump sensors
Sensors on the front bumpers automatically stop the system when slight pressure is detected.
Features of mobile model DMT 425 dm:
The DMT 425 dm is a fully integrated mobile digital x-ray system that combines superior mechanical and digital components to help you perform exams more efficiently.
The imaging software, displayed on a 17-inch touch screen, not only provides superior images, but also controls the generator by sending pre-defined exposure settings for each exam.
After exposure, the software retrieves the X-ray settings used along with the DAP value and associates them with the image data.
Integrated console
Imaging software is fully integrated and controls the generator, sending pre-defined exposure parameters for each study.
Wireless connectivity
Image acquisition and communication with the hospital network (RIS/PACS) are completely wireless.
Comfortable drive handle
A light push on the drive handle propels the system even on slopes.
The system can be operated with one hand.
Fully motorized
The fully motorized DMT425dm is very easy to maneuver.
Two independent motors and large wheels make the DMT425dm very suitable for indoor use.
Bump sensors
Sensors on the front bumpers automatically stop the system when slight pressure is detected.
Features of mobile model DMT 425 a:
The DMT 425 dm is a fully integrated mobile digital x-ray system that combines superior mechanical and digital components to help you perform exams more efficiently.
The imaging software, displayed on a 17-inch touch screen, not only provides superior images, but also controls the generator by sending pre-defined exposure settings for each exam.
After exposure, the software retrieves the X-ray settings used along with the DAP value and associates them with the image data.
Features of mobile model DMT 50 F:
The possibility of digital radiography and fluoroscopy and the preparation of high-quality images compatible with DICOM3.0 format and HL standard.
Appropriate design, small dimensions and light weight of the device make it possible to install it in small rooms.
Can be used for imaging applications of the digestive system, endoscopy and ERCP, interventional radiography and other applications of radiography, angiography and DSA (option).
Soft and silent movements of the bed and observing the safety tips that cause the satisfaction and feeling of safety and comfort of the patient.
Full coverage of the patient's body for photography by moving the tube in the longitudinal direction and moving the top of the bed in the transverse direction, the bed can be rotated +90 to -24 degrees.
Ability to automatically move the bed to standing and lying position by pressing only one key.
The possibility to move the device and the collimator from the bed or from the control table.